In 2011 the P&F engaged a landscape designer to prepare a Master Plan for works to be undertaken on the Oval and Pavilion to provide a road map of project work and development for the following ten years. The P&F were initially looking to improve the landscape surrounding the Pavilion to achieve direct access for students/public from the school to the oval as well as achieving disability access to the oval from the Street.

After considering the Pavilion and the landscaping they wanted to achieve, they found that the Pavilion was in great need of improvements. The P&F had discussions with teachers, parents and called a community meeting to ascertain what the prioritiy projects regarding the Pavilion/Oval should be. The following were highlighted as possible projects:
  • Landscape development achieving direct access from Oxford Street to Oval and creating disability access
  • Improvements to and/or rebuild the Pavilion to create:
    • Sight to oval from inside the Pavilion (moving the oval facing wall to make inside space bigger and include windows facing the oval and adding a new roof over existing deck area)
    • Installation of a deck facing oval out to existing grandstand
    • Opening up the south west end of the Pavilion and the installation of a deck to facilitate outdoor teaching and group activities
    • Improved storage availability
    • Renovation and upgrade (disability/environmentally) for the existing toilets/showers
  • Creating a play area on south west side of the Pavilion
  • Creating a Community Garden
  • Creating more seating on the Northern side of the Oval
The improvements to the Pavilion and surrounds were not only to benefit the students and teaching staff, but also to create an inviting facility for both viewing and particiation in sports. It was also noted it would also give the community an upgraded facility to hold functions.
Following the Community meeting the P&F directed a landscape architect to prepare a Master Plan.The P&F applied for several grants to undertake apects of the plan, but were unsuccessful in securing funds. The P&F resolved to set aside funds each year to progress the Master Plan, and in the ensuing years some of these were achieved (access to the Oval and Pavilion being the most significant). In early 2016 the Master Plan was suspended whilst the question of a contribution of land for the Capital Works Programme was considered. It is envisaged that one the question of the Land Swap is resolved, that the P&F can move forward with some of the projects highlighted in the Master Plan.

The Masterplan 2012 is available for download here